Sizer: Shrinks/Enlarges window size to a certain self-defined size. eXtraButtons: Useful when you need one or more windows always on top. EnigmaVBUnpacker: Decompiles game data encrypted with Enigma Virtual Box v4.10.7.40 (game files are in a single. Unity Studio: Decompiles game data from Unity. ALDEXplorer: Decompiles game data from games made by AliceSoft (file extensions: ALD, ALK, AFA, DAT) Resource Hacker: Useful to rip/change icons from. RPA Extractor for Windows: Decompiles game data from Ren'Py. Made for FNAF, but works for some other games too. FreddyExplorer: Decompiles game data from Clickteam Fusion. RPG Maker MV Decrypter: Decompiles game data from RPG Maker MV.
All decrypter: Decompiles game data from RPG Maker XP, VX & VX Ace. Don't mind me, just dumping my tool collection in a thread: